FeWeb, strengthens digital business in Belgium
Four pillars of FeWeb:
FeWeb fights as a strong representative for the interests of digital service providers in Belgium. With key values and best practices, FeWeb operates according to their own ethical and executive rules.
Through various news channels and FeWeb newsletters, they inform the digital sector. Members with various opinions are also always covered.
Using business cases, events and through various tools, FeWeb inspires both internet entrepreneurs and private customers through its inspiration sessions and education.
Exchange of knowledge and experience
Sharing knowledge and experience with members who have similar interests is important for the growth of the sector. FeWeb does this through interesting white papers and help lists.
FeWeb, a community full of digital surprises
Everyone providing professional services and products in which the Internet as a technology plays a central role counts for FeWeb. Therefore, it does not matter how big or small a company is.
The members of FeWeb are digital service providers who are important for:
- the online presence of companies
- the e-commerce activities of companies
- digital marketing
- knowledge centres or business service providers