Google analytics

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a popular analytics tool developed by Google to provide greater insight into the visitor flows, traffic sources, conversions and page views of websites or web shops.


Further, with PHPro, we can also help set up certain advanced settings such as enhanced commerce. Measuring errors, product clicks to setting up funnels is quite possible with Google Analytics. However, correctly setting up and interpreting the right data will require the necessary experience and know-how.


With PHPro, you can be sure that your business is getting everything out of Google Analytics to achieve even more revenue growth. With our certified Google Analytics analysts, we can help your omnichannel business find new opportunities and identify obstacles to conversions.

Would you like an in-depth analysis of your webshop?

Our Google Analytics experts look at where sales are being lost on your website 

then we can delve into the real cause of the sales loss.

Contact us