About Wandelsport Vlaanderen
Online member portal
More than 60,000 members
More than 300 clubs
Wandelsport Vlaanderen is a sports federation that promotes, facilitates and develops the sport of hiking in Flanders. It is an organization with more than 60,000 members and more than 300 walking clubs all over Flanders. Together with the clubs, their members, partners and staff, Wandelsport Vlaanderen offers walks tailored to everyone, based on the conviction that walking contributes to an active and healthy lifestyle.

Challenge: 3 organizations, 3 systems - 1 central solution required....
The merger of Aktivia, Vrije Vlaamse Recreatiesporten and the Vlaamse Wandelfederatie presented a complex challenge: three separate administration tools had to be integrated into one central online application. At the heart of this challenge was the migration of three different databases to one centralized database, combined with the development of a user-friendly Web application. This application had to enable club administrators to efficiently manage clubs, members, hikes and orders.
Bringing three systems together into one powerful platform: the key to efficiency and further growth for Wandelsport Vlaanderen!

Result: One club portal connecting Hiking Flanders
The result is the “Club Portal,” a fully integrated application that streamlines the administration of Wandelsport Vlaanderen and affiliated clubs. Clubs can now easily manage events and subscriptions, process race results and export data to Excel or PDF. The portal also offers extensive reporting functions and, via an API, makes data available to external websites such as 'Uit in Vlaanderen' and 'Walking in Belgium'. Moreover, handy tools, such as queues for large exports and the ability to order materials, make the platform indispensable in daily operations!

Roadmap: Future club portal Hiking
The future of the Club Portal looks promising. New features are on the roadmap, including the ability to generate and send invoices online. In addition, the platform will be further developed as an information source for external parties, with optimized integrations for publications such as the annual walking calendar of 'Walking in Belgium'.
The Club Portal remains the pivot in the organization and promotion of hiking activities, with which Wandelsport Vlaanderen continues to strengthen its position as a leading hiking organization!
Need a portal for your members or customers?
Do you have a similar project of your own? Or do you have your own ideas for a new website? Let us know and we'll schedule a no-obligation consultation with you to realize your goals!