Var matches brands with people

In 2018 Var wants to focus more on the digital renewal of its customer touchpoints and its evolution from a communication approach, that in the past was campaign-based, to an always-on content marketing approach. For this VAR chooses PHPro as partner that provides for the development of a new website, the development of a Content Management System and a maintenance contract for these new systems.


Sulu CMS

Symfony framework

For phase 1 and 2 it makes no sense to provide a custom solution, therefore PHPro chose Sulu as CMS in this phase. Sulu is a CMS based on Symfony, and focused on companies. It is a flexible CMS for creating and managing enterprise multi-sites and a reliable development environment for powerful apps. With powerful features for developers and a great UI for editors, it is the ideal engine for state-of-the-art business websites and web-based software.

For phase 2 we build on the developments in phase 1 within Sulu. The same applies to phase 3, but we will also start the MyVar implementation and integration. MyVar is not a CMS, so PHPro advised not to build these functionalities in a CMS or CMS framework. This is a mistake that often occurs in online developments: we already have a website, you can also develop things to measure, so let's build on it. That's not a good idea! Because of our years of experience PHPro chooses for the Symfony framework for custom developments next to a CMS solution.