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The Socialist Mutual Insurance Fund (Brabant) fights for quality healthcare that is affordable for everyone. This Mutual Health Insurance Fund provides a range of (medical and advisory) services that you can always contact for advice and information. They also offer homecare and assistance.
Medishop is an extension of the services on which you can lend or buy medical equipment. Both members and non-members can come to Medishop for various aids such as fitness equipment, baby care products, specialised home applications, bandaging and much more.
Of course, a large organisation also needs a well-functioning e-commerce website. Wondering how we helped them out? Then be sure to read on!
Medishop wants to make (para)medical equipment as affordable as possible for everyone. It should be possible for both members and non-members to borrow, rent or buy the range.
The biggest challenge for Medishop was the connection between their own mainframe and the Magento e-commerce platform. With this connection, members of the Socialist Mutuality can immediately receive their discount and/or intervention during checkout.
The revamped online shop provided a real digital transformation. From PHPro we therefore decided to keep the first phase simple according to the KISS and MVP principle.
So KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) stands for simplicity and MVP (Minimal Viable Product) is about building a simple but well-functioning version that delivers immediate added value. It ensures that you can go live and start measuring actions as soon as possible. We collect data and feedback in order to get to know the visitors and members of the website better. With this information we continue to work on further optimization.
"The collaboration with PHPro went well. There is/was sufficient attention for training so that we can adjust a lot of things independently without having to rely on them every time.
It was opted to work in different phases and in a first phase to focus on the things that were important to be able to start up the online shop. In the meantime, we have been working for six months and we are gradually improving several issues, paying attention to the experience of our customers and employees."
Sofie De Dobbeleer
General Coordinator at Medishop
Medishop has a wide range of products that were not fully visible to members and non-members prior to the process. By offering the products online, everyone can immediately find the right product and order it in the handy online shop. This is not only useful for customers, but also for their own employees.
For example, an occupational therapist who gives advice at home can immediately show what the customer needs. He or she can immediately show and offer products for the specific home adaptations that suit the patient. This is both easier and more clear for the end-user and the healthcare professional.
Contact us and we will discuss the possibilities according to your wishes and requirements!