About Solidaris and Medishop
The partner in health
Solidaris is a Belgian mutual society committed to social protection and solidarity. With a strong focus on health, well-being and prevention, Solidaris offers not only health insurance services, but also a wide range of complementary benefits and activities. The organization aims to give everyone access to quality care and support, and emphasizes inclusion and community involvement.
One of Solidaris' innovative initiatives is the Medishop, an online store fully aligned with their mission to promote health and wellness. The Medishop offers a wide selection of products focused on health care, prevention and comfortable lifestyles. These include mobility aids, medical devices, ergonomic office equipment, and personal care products.

Medishop's mission and the challenge of the new web shop
Medishop's mission is to make (para)medical equipment accessible to everyone. Regardless of whether someone is a member of Solidaris, it should be possible to borrow, rent or buy products from the range. In doing so, Medishop contributes to an inclusive approach, where both members and non-members have access to resources that support their health and well-being.
The biggest challenge in launching the new webshop was realizing a seamless connection between Solidaris' internal mainframe and the Magento e-commerce platform. This technical link was essential to provide Socialist Mutual members with their discount and/or intervention directly during checkout. This required an innovative solution that managed to overcome both customer usability and backend system complexity....

Our process: the KISS and MVP principle
The revamped webshop marked an important step in the digital transformation. To make this process manageable, our experts chose a simple approach based on the principles of KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) and MVP (Minimal Viable Product). The KISS principle emphasizes simplicity, while MVP focuses on developing a basic version of the web shop that provides immediate value.
This approach made it possible to go live quickly and gather immediate insights. By analyzing visitor behavior and feedback, we learn to understand users better. We then use this valuable information to further optimize the web shop in a targeted way, thereby continuously improving our response to the needs of both members and non-members.
How the Medishop transformed customer and healthcare experience
Solidaris had an extensive product range that was previously not fully visible to both members and non-members. By making these products available online, it is now much easier for everyone to find the right product and order it directly through the user-friendly web shop. This is not only a benefit for customers, but also for Solidaris employees.
For example, an occupational therapist providing advice at home can now show on the spot which products are suitable for the customer's specific needs. For home modifications that fit the patient's situation, appropriate solutions can be shown and offered immediately. This makes the process simpler, clearer and more efficient for both the end user and the caregiver.
Are you also looking for a webshop with extensive features?
Contact us and we will discuss the possibilities adapted to your plans and wishes!